MUMBAI: when a grand gap, Aamir Khan’s recent unharness continues to climb the box-office ladder. With the weekend collections currently in, Dhoom:3 has become the quickest Bollywood film to cross the Rs.100 large integer mark (in simply 3 days).Needless to mention, trade specialists square measure currently expecting it to interrupt more records.Trade analyst Taran Adarsh explains, "Aamir could be a true game changer. Ghajini (2008) was the primary to create Rs.100 crore. Then three idiots (2009) became the primary to the touch the Rs.200 large integer marks. currently the business (of Dhoom:3) can solely increase as a result of this is often the Christmas week."
Film exhibitioner and distributor Akshaye Rathi points out that, as of now, the film has no competition till the Salman Khan-starrer Jai metallic element releases in Gregorian calendar month 2014. "If D3 continues performing arts the approach it presently is, it'd simply in. towards being the primary Hindi film to get a triple century,” says Rathi, adding, "When it involves hanging a balance between industrial and non-mainstream cinema, Aamir is that the leader."More information